
Percussion studio adjunct
Percussion studio adjunct

percussion studio adjunct

Dan holds a Master of Music degree in Performance from McGill University and a Bachelor of Music in Performance from Université de Montréal. He also serves as Managing Director and Host of the World Trumpet Society Seminar. He is also the Music Director of the Quinte Symphony in Belleville ON, a post he has held since 2015. Dan is an avid conductor and currently leads the Queen’s University Wind Ensemble and Symphony Orchestra, Brass Choir and Trumpet Ensemble. Studio Page of Warwick, New York Drum Artist Karl Latham. Tremblay is a faculty member of the Queen’s University Dan School of Drama and Music where he teaches trumpet and education classes such as Introduction to Choral and Instrumental Conducting, Advanced Instrumental Conducting, Brass Techniques and Methods, Wind Pedagogy, and is Head of the brass and percussion studio. Dan was also a member of Alliage Brass Trio with Les Jeunesses Musicales du Canada, which received the Ménard-Pomerleau Award in 2006. Our current alert level is blue, indicating 'virus prevalence is low on campus and community transmission is substantial or high in the surrounding community, conditions on campus are well controlled, testing. He has been Principal Trumpet with Orchestre de la Francophonie Canadienne, National Academy Orchestra in Hamilton, and with McGill Symphony Orchestra. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the University of Denver is keeping students, faculty, staff, alumni and neighbors fully informed through our COVID-19 website and other means. Dan is Principal/ Solo trumpet with L’Orchestre Symphonique de l’Estuaire (Rimouski), and plays regularly with the Kingston Symphony Orchestra, Ottawa Symphony Orchestra, Orchestre Métropolitain du Grand Montréal, among others. Dan divides his time between the Dan School of Drama and Music at Queen’s University and the Crane School of Music, State University of New York in Potsdam, where he provides trumpet instruction and coaches chamber ensembles. He completed a Master of Music Degree in Percussion Performance at the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore, Maryland, with renowned teacher Robert van Sice. The Andrina McCullough Public Speaking Competitionĭan Tremblay is an active freelance musician, clinician and private trumpet teacher in Quebec, the Maritime Provinces, the State of New York, and Ontario. He also serves as Adjunct Professor of Percussion at Texas Woman’s University in Denton, Texas, where he teaches Percussion Methods, private lessons, studio class, and chamber music.Ontario High School Students Music Theatre Competition.

percussion studio adjunct

Paul Rennick Orchestral, Studio Percussion and Ensembles 94. Computing & the Creative Arts Specialization Percussion Coordinator, Studio Percussion and Ensembles, Marimba 94.

Percussion studio adjunct